In 1987, a bunch of teenagers dubbed Death Angel burst out of the Bay Area thrash scene with ‘The Ultra-Violence’. Although their legendary status largely stems from their debut, they continued to mature, developing their sound on ‘Frolic Through The Park’ and finding it on ‘Act III’. Then things went awry. Heavy Metal in general, and especially Thrash, were knocked down by the one-two punch of Metallica’s sellout and Nirvana’s ascendance to the pulpit of teen angst. At about the same time, vocalist Mark Osegueda left the band. Otherwise, the lineup remained intact, and, led by guitarist Rob Cavestany, they changed their name to The Organization and produced two more albums in the style of ‘Act III’. A few years after this fizzled out, key Death Angel personnel Cavestany and Osegueda joined forces as Swarm. This reunion paved the way for the eventual reclaiming of the Death Angel moniker for 2004’s ‘The Art of Dying’. So, as the years went by, bands like OverKill, Megadeth and Anthrax marched forward with their brand despite losing important members. Meanwhile, the band formerly known as Death Angel toiled away largely intact, but failed to capitalize and build on their legendary status. This Barking Chicken Production rights that wrong and resurrects tracks released as The Organization and Swarm to take their rightful place alongside select Death Angel material. Perhaps having learned a lesson themselves, the band is not repeating past mistakes. There are less original members in the current incarnation of Death Angel than there were in The Organization or Swarm or at any other time in Death Angel’s history. Why not change the name again? Because that would be stupid.
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Death Angel - Resurrection Machine
01 Stagnant
02 The Organization
03 Bringer
04 Doomsday Eve
05 Discontinued
06 So Full Of Lies
07 Policy
08 Resurrection Machine
09 Heaven’s Cage
10 Soulless
11 Dethroned
12 Truce
13 Death Of The Meek
14 Word To The Wise
15 Thrown To The Wolves